Smile Gallery
Before and After Photos
Final implant crown and abutment
with perfect esthetics
with perfect esthetics
Side view of final implant crown and abutment with perfect esthetics

Single implant crown on an upper, center tooth, including pink porcelain at the gumline for maximum esthetics
Final smile with an incredible,
lifelike implant crown
lifelike implant crown
Upper front veneer and crowns that are mismatched in shade, shape, and contour
Close up of pre-treatment smile with mismatched restorations
Close up of final smile with new crowns that
follow the curvature of her lips and match
in contour and color
Missing lower front 3 teeth due to gum disease
and bone loss

and bone loss

Close-up of missing lower front
3 teeth
3 teeth
Final result of lower implant-retained bridge
Close-up of final implant-retained bridge replacing the 3 missing teeth